John Smith Organs

Links Page

Other web sites you may wish to visit


They have been grouped as

Organ Parts Suppliers
OrganMusic Suppliers
Sites displaying John Smith Organs
General Organ Sites
(includes using Palm Vx for MIDI music storage)  


Organ Parts Suppliers

Although this company is in the USA, and UK buyers have to pay duty and delivery charges, the overall cost is very competetive for 100% reliable pallet valves, quality built, complete with pads ready to fit.   Quick service to the UK

.   On their website look under Product Catalogue/Series II All-Electric Valve for pdf pages containing details.

Leather Suppliers

For Glockenspiels:
On Chapter 3  page 3 of their Catalogue
is Cuckoo Clock Bellows Leather
- 13" x 7" sheets @ £10.90 + p/p
(Code 0985 000115 )
and also Synthetic Bellows Material
- three A4 sheets @ £4.06 + p/p
(Code 0183 000115
- probably better suited to puffs)

MIDI Interfaces

USA supplier of SD Readers and Magnet Drivers
for John Smith and other organs

French supplier of SD midi reader
and other MIDI interfaces such as Decoder Boards - good prices!.

Organ Music Suppliers

Melvyn Wright's site
- also has Hints & Tips from
JS Organ builders
It should be noted that John does not necessarily go along with the hints and tips provided here.  Any modifications are done at the builders risk and some will detract from the designed performance.  John cannot enter into any correspondence on this matter.


Using an iPhone/Android to Store/Play MIDI files instead of an SD Card Reader.
(page on Don Johnson's website)

We were the first, In Europe to use Midi, The first to fit it to an organ, and indeed the first to supply new organs completly midi Driven (No Keyframe).

But now 30 years on we do a lot more, we can supply Various Midi attachments for Mechanical Instruments,

Midi Music for Lots of Organ Scales from Kevin Byrne and lots of others.

John Smith Organ Sites

Burl Updike's site

Wallace Venable's Site

Don Johnson's site
(see Topsy Page)

General Organ Sites

British Organ Grinders Association

Christian Blanchard's (French/English) blog 
(Including John Smith organs)